To Chevron or Not to Chevron, That is the Question.

Posted by on Apr 22, 2016 in Uncategorised | No Comments



Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Let’s talk about what all designers are painfully thinking but do not want to admit. Let’s talk about chevron. Or let’s not talk about it and all agree that it is a trend that needs to go. Before I worked as an interior designer, I had always been aware of certain trends. While I must shamefully admit there was a slight period in my life where I was drawn to this type of pattern, I knew it was doomed. I genuinely think whoever marketed this trend decided to pattern everything in his path. Drapes? Chevron. Bedding? Chevron. Rugs? Chevron. Your child’s diaper? Chevron. Honestly, I think everywhere I turn something is patterned in chevron. I’m actually more concerned that the only thing that pops up on google images when you search “chevron” is the pattern and not the gas station.

Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 3.09.11 PM

The gas station must not be forgotten!

Chevron is about as cool as a mullet, and to be honest, a mullet is pretty intriguing; business in the front, party in the back. (I also just spent ten minutes searching for a picture of someone with a mullet wearing chevron. Oddly, nothing exists.) Ok. Moving on.

As a designer, I need to be discussing the issues with chevron in the home, even though it really should be discussed as a whole. For now, I will say this: whenever a rep from our fabric vendors brings chevron in the office it is automatically nixed. I know there are some designers who feel chevron can be a great “filler” fabric. I admit, there are some great filler fabrics out there that have a chevron taste to them like this:


This is tasteful. This is what we would call a “filler” fabric. It is what is used in the background to the main fabric. You can use filler fabric for either drapes, upholstery, or extra pillows.

…but lets get back to THE chevron…

Shower Curtain Chair

My eyes are burning.


Can we all just agree to let it go? Hobby Lobby did two years ago. This is a picture from a tweet I came across, and had to retweet of course, from a friend of mine. It came up on my time hop (time machine for social media) today which inspired me to write this post. Hobby Lobby knows what’s up, and you should too.


Thanks for reading my first blog.

