Hey. It’s me, Lauren, again.
It took me a while to think about what I wanted to blog about next, but I figured it out. It’s a golden topic…
Sorry, it is not about pirate’s treasure. I’ll save that for another time.
I love gold. Gold plays a major part in the GCD world. Some people are afraid to use it in their home because they think it is outdated. I will say there are some outdated gold finishes like this:
The 90’s called, they want their hardware back.
But the gold I am referring to is hip. It is cool.
Let’s take a trip down the golden lane. Lets follow the yellow brick road, people. Let’s all paint ourselves gold and never look back. (If I could, I would.)
Let’s be as cool as Beyonce in Goldmember!
Enough about being gold, let’s use it in the home.I can honestly say 98% of the time we are attracted to anything that is gold. I do not know why, but there is something about it that makes everything look sleek.
Ugh isn’t this dreamy?
Some of you might say “Gold is a fad. Gold will go out of style.” Well, you are wrong young grasshopper. There is a difference between gauchos, bubble tops, and Wallabees going out of style versus gold hardware going out of style. (Yes, I am referring to an exact outfit I wore once.)
Have I convinced you yet?
Well, if I have not, let me go further. Let’s look at some comparisons.
Here are some standard lamps. Nothing fancy, nothing particularly “cool” about them. BUT how much cooler is the gold one next to the silver one? I’ll go ahead and speak for everyone to say SO MUCH COOLER.
For a second comparison…
Ok, don’t get me wrong the top donut is fabulous. But how about the bottom donut? I want to meet whoever decided to make this gold donut. We have found a genius. We have progressed as a nation.
Now, this is not to say that you have to make everything gold. Honestly, gold only works where it works, and yes, we DO love all finishes.
(We just love gold more.)
xo, Lauren